
QTP- Interview Questions 2+ and 3+

1. What is the exe of QTP (QTPro.exe)
2. What is the extension of Script file (.mts)
3. What is the extension of Library file (.vbs)
4. what is the extension of Repository files ( .bdb & .tsr)
5. What is the extension of Recovery file ( .qrs)
6. What are the types of recording?
7. What are the types of run modes?
8. What is the difference between reusable action and Function?
9. How QTP can recognize the objects in the application
10. What is the difference between GetToProperty and GetROProperty?
11. What is Test Object and Runtime Object
12. What is Datatable used for
13. What are the different frameworks in QTP?
14. Can you write script to login into yahoo website?
15. What is descriptive coding?
16. What are the different types of recovery scenarios in QTP?
17. What is different between Call to Existing action and Call to Copy Action?
18. What is Action0?
19. What is expert view and keyword view?
20. Can you write a function to accept 2 numbers and return a value?
21. What is error handling in QTP?
22. What is difference between Global sheet and Local Sheet?
23. Write few methods of DataTable
24. What is the use of Environment Variables?
25. What are the types of Environment Variables?
26. How do you load environment variables during runtime?
27. What is the difference between bitmap checkpoint and image checkpoint?
28. How do you connect to database from QTP?
29. When the data is selected from Database, the data is stored in which object
30. What is description object?
31. Write script to count the number of links in a webpage
32. Write few methods of webtable
33. What is the method to count the number of values in a weblist?
34. How to set a value in a textbox.
35. What is the return value for split, getROproperty, len, mid functions?
36. What is the syntax to connect to Database (SQL SERVER?)
37. When data is retrieved from Database, where is the data stored?
38. If we don’t want to execute any action what to do?
39. When any error is raised in the Script, the details of error is stored in which object.
40. How to get the list of count of values from WebList
41. What is the use of SetTOProperty?
42. If more than 1 object in the window has same description properties what mechanism is used by the tool to differentiate the objects?
43. If object properties are changed during runtime what mechanism the tool can use to recognize the object
44. How to load Object Repository during runtime
45. How to load environment variables from a file during runtime.
46. What is the use of waitproperty
47. How to specify the datatable iterations for a local datasheet.
48. What does the Sync method for a webpage will do?
49. What is the default synchronization timeout for an object?
50. What is step into, step over, step out will do
51. What is a variable, watch, execute in Debug Viewer.
52. How QTP does identifies the object in the application.
53. What type of problems one will face with QTP, if too many browsers are opened at a time?
54. How to make arguments optional in a function?
55. can u store QTP frame work folders in VSS? If Not where u store those?
56. What is purpose of automation?
57. How good are you in writing VBscript code for your application? Can you completely
58. write VBscrit for your project with out using recording mode in QTP?
59. How to load the object repository at run time?
60.What is the framework followed by ur company in qtp. 


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